Although well-maintained lawns with turf have become an integral part of society, you may still be asking yourself: what is turf? Turf is a matted roll with compact grass and a root system used as the top layer of landscaping. Some common turf types include St. Augustine, Zoysia, Centipede, Bahia, and Bermuda Grass. The turf […]
How to Care for Your Artificial Turf
If you have chosen to opt for artificial turf so you can have a low-maintenance option for a beautiful yard, then you may be curious as to what type of maintenance is involved with the turf. Although artificial grass is indeed low maintenance, this does not mean zero upkeep. Similar to a traditional lawn, your […]
What Kind of Turf Is Best for You?
There are a few things to consider once you move on from real grass to artificial turf. Things like cost, long-term savings, looks, and overall durability all need to be considered when looking at the different artificial turfs on the market. Ultimately, these considerations will help you determine which type of artificial turf is the […]
Tips for Building the Perfect Outdoor Kitchen
Are you thinking about building an outdoor kitchen? Are you curious about how to come up with a great outdoor kitchen design? You obviously want your outdoor kitchen to look perfect. You can do many things to achieve just the look you desperately want. But, before you dive into your big project, there are several tips […]
Protect Your Artificial Turf From the Heat of Window Reflections
Arizona is famous for hot temperatures. When the temps rise to extreme heights during the summer, it can actually cause damage to your lawn. Arizona residents are starting to see a strange phenomenon in which their artificial turf grass is melting. Learning how to identify the cause of this problem is important in solving it […]